Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 33

The weather near the coast is quite different than in Oaxaca City. It’s even more humid, if that’s even possible!! If you look at a map of the State of Oaxaca, Santa Maria Huatulco is on the Pacific Coast directly South of Oaxaca. It is very dry on the coast too but it rains more than in Oaxaca with a lot of thunder and lightning. The climate looks ‘just like Ireland’ but in an extremely hot and humid sort of way haha! I am still looking forward to eating Iguana and is constantly being chased by huge black bees. I live with tarantulas too! The mosquitoes are enormous and they have a horrible bit. Even with all the sorts of repellents I put on, they never leave me alone! The bites on my legs over the past 7 months will scar, but luckily I haven’t gotten “denge”, a disease contracted by mosquitoes—there are 2 types of denge, the one that kills and the one that doesn’t…you get fevers and your bones ache like crazy. The locals drink fresh grape juice and they say that drinking it helps a lot with the symptoms. I heard that one of the Elders contracted it a while back but after a blessing from Presidente Leyva he recovered well.
Spanish is coming very well now, after having 2 native companions who don’t speak much English at all. I actually now start my prayers in English and end in Spanish :P!
The work is going slow but well, there’s potential with “Mary”, the golden investigator!
Hello to everyone and would love a letter from all of you for Christmas! Packages are slow to not getting here at all so I recommend no packages, unless you use “Global Mission Shipping”. They are fantastic, go through DHL and have tracking and confirmation through Customs to the mission home. It takes 4 days to get to the mission home but takes weeks to get to the coast where I’m at as the leaders only go to and from Oaxaca every few weeks!
Please write!

Hermana Annekke Walker

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