Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 32

Alright y'all. This week was AWESOME!! I'm loving this new area! It's such a humbling experience because these people really don't have anything except for each other. It's gorgeous too with all the palm trees and such. And we get the real beach sunsets:)
Lunes: Today we had a good p-day, although we were running around like crazy! We cleaned the house and then we went to Sorianna to buy. We are about an hour away from any grocery store, so that's a little different. So it took us a bit longer to do our shopping than normal. But after we went to Mary's house and helped her make tortillas. I can say that I can make a real tortilla... Mom, I will be making them when I get back on our fire pit:) Then we went and saw a member named Nicole and taught her about prayer and Soledad about the sacrament. And we had to wash our clothes in the dark because earlier we didn't have room to hang them up... It was kind of scary... And I tripped and fell and cut my foot. It hurts:P
Martes: Today we went out by sorianna to the church to have our district meeting. And it was awesome! Our leader is Elder Vance from Utah and he is really cool, and we share a ward with him and his comp. And our district has all sisters... and them. But it's cool:) We learned about the importance of teaching Family History. Then we went to the comida with the familia Nolasco. The wife is the relief society pres. With them we read a chapter in the Book of Mormon and then talked about personal revelation because each person applied the chapter differently. Then we went and saw another member named Claudia and talked about the same thing:) Then we did service with a member named Adela and her family. Then she gave us tamales and we shared a message about the Book of Mormon as well. And we went to visit a new family. We met them at the house of Hermana Adelina last week washing their dishes. But when we went it almost turned into a bible bash, with lots of doctrine being thrown out in the air. But they want us to keep coming. So we're going to have scripture study with them in the topics of the lessons. But if it gets out of hand we're going to stop.
Miercoles: Today was a good day. We went out to Mary's (the member) house again to help with tortillas and then we helped teach her how to read by using Moroni 10:5 and taught a lesson using that. We were also able to see Katy, but her husband was sleeping. He works in a hotel on the beach. We taught her about the importance of baptism. She really wants to get baptized, but she wants to with her husband. But he's stuck in the habit of drinking. It's sad...Then we went and saw Abby a member. She was working so we had to hurry and capacitate her on how to teach chastity because she's going to accompany us to teach it. Haha! Her boss came in right when we finished.... Pheh..... We ended our day going to see Lucina and her family. They're menos activos and we taught about the importance of the Book of Mormon, but we learned that she really doesn't know anything about the gospel. So we're going to start from the beginning:)
Jueves: Today was good too. We went and saw Silvia because she sent us a text a little weird and we worry for her a lot. She's doing good, just a little downhearted because her husband doesn't want us to come by. So we read from the Book of Mormon to cheer her up. Then we went to the familia de Hermana Rosario for the comida and I met the President of the branch. And with her we planned a family home evening for her family. Then we saw Higinio the husband of Mary (member) and we taught him about how he can be clean from his sins. We want him to get baptized but he's stuck under the influence of alcohol too.... That night we went to see Katy and Antonio, but he was sleeping. So we taught Katy about tithing and she's going to live it!:)
Viernes: Today was awesome! We went and saw Mary (investigator) and taught her and her mom about family history using the model that Elder Vance gave us. And we ate with Silvia today and it was awesome. Fish:) And read a bit more in the Book of Mormon with her. She really dos love it. I just hope her husband stops being stubborn and starts listening to us again... Then we went and saw Dianna and taught her about repentance. She is so smart! Answered everything:) Then we saw Hermana Perez, a menos activo and we talked about prayer. She's going to start doing family prayers and hopefully they will feel the spirit that we promised her. Then that night we went to see Hermana Adelina. She still doesn't understand the principle of the Great Apostasy, so we went and taught her about prophets. She says that she understands now:)
Sabado: Today was absolutely awesome! We first went and saw Mary (investigator) again with a joven named Julio that will be going on a mission in November. And we talked about baptism and why we are baptized. I really hope that we're helping her in this change because sometimes I worry if she's gaining a testimony. And her baptism date in in a couple of weeks. Later we decided to go and contact a reference from the elders. And we walked a lot to get to this house, but it was so worth it:) We found a family of 10 and they are all interested:) We taught them about the pre-earth life because they had questions related to the plan of salvation. The only thing is that none of them can read except for 2. So hopefully we can get some members to help us out:) Then we also went and contacted one of their relatives who lives close by. She's listened to the missionaries before and when we found her she was reading the Book of Mormon in her hammock. Awesome! And we got to talk to her about the atonement because she was feeling sorry for something that had happened previous in her life. But they are all so ready it's insane:) We were also able to visit the kids of Hermana Dulce and we read the chapter in the Book of Mormon when Nephi is building the boat:) And to finish the night we had a FHE with Hermana Rosario and we talked about the family and showed them a video of the Proclamation to the World. They really liked it and we ate tostadas:)
Domingo: Today was my first time in the church here. Since it's a branch here we don't have a building, but we rent out one. And once we get 70-80 people in the church for a few weeks we can build our own building:) It was really good and we got the chance to teach Gospel Principles, though it was hard... Two Hermanas on the spot teaching about the priesthood. But I think it went fine:) Zoyla and Soledad were there in the church this week and they really enjoyed it:) We were able to eat with the familia Cantera and it was good. Fresh tortillas, beans and eggs:)) And we talked about family history and the importance of temples. They loved it, especially with the fact that the branch is going to the temple next week. Then we saw Abby and she said she could come with us to some lessons:) We were able to see Jose Angel, an investigator who's catholic. He has a few problems with the Book of Mormon, so we are going to work with him step by step so he can understand and accept it:) Then we went and saw Zoyla and Soledad and helped them make tamales for Edwardo's birthday. They were good:) And we shared a message on the law of Chastity. It went really well and we had lots of laughs:)
Well I hope you guys had a really good week:) Love y'all! And keep reading! It's good for you:)

Hermana Walker

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 31

Hola y'all! I hope everyone had an awesome week, especially with the chance we had to listen to our prophet and leaders. I really hope you felt the spirit. And thanks to all who sent me birthday wishes. It means a lot:).... I really do not feel 21.... I can do more things than buy dry ice now.... But this is what happened this week.
Lunes: Today we woke up and cleaned the house so that Hermana Molina's comp would feel good in the house. Then we went out and tried buying stuff, thinking that since we only have two days before the new month they would put money in for the new transfer.... No.... These girls are living off of tuna and bread because that’s all we had money for... I also cut Hermana Molina's hair again.... I need to get mine done so bad...:P And we got to hang out with another Hermana while she waited for her comp to come from el Istmo. Her name is Hermana Jones from Tennesee... I will live there one day:) We ate pastor again.. Well actually I ate a gringa (if you guys know Spanish, no it doesn't mean a person). It's this huge tortilla with pastor, pineapple, jalapeño, and other stuff. It's super good:) Then we met Hermana Cortes, Hermana Molina's comp. She's a little quiet, so I'm hoping that they get along. We were only able to see Hugo today and we talked about families. It was a great lesson because he has a serious love for his family and he learned a lot of things that he can do to strengthen his relationship with his daughter.
Martes: Today I went on the LONGEST bus ride ever.... Well actually choir tour was longer, but I slept for most of that so it doesn't count. But I rode on that bus for 9 hours:P Gross.... And we had movies playing so that made it even harder... But now I know what I want to see when I get home;) But I came out with a few elders, and Hermanas Coles, Bigelow, and Mamani. Bigelow and Mamani are in my zone right now:) And my comp is super adorable. She ends her mission after this transfer and so she's going through mixed feelings right now. But she loves the work:) We were only able to go see one person due to time, but we found an Hermana named Soledad in her house with a friend named Eduardo. She made me a memela because I hadn't eaten all day and we taught them about Joseph Smith and invited them to baptism and they said yes:) I'm excited for the work here:)
Miercoles: Today I did more work than I have done in a long time. We had tons planned out and I loved it:) First we went to an investigator named Mary and her family. She has a fecha for October 25 and she is progressing really fast. Her family still has questions, especially her dad. He's catholic, but with the beliefs of a Jehovah's witness and a Baptist... A little hard to work with, but okay... Then we went to our comida and it was given by our investigator Silvia. She has been investigating the church for years and has been so ready for baptism for a really long time. I at first thought she was a member because she has tons of pictures from the church all over her walls. The only thing that's stopping her is that she's not married to her husband and he doesn't think marriage is necessary. But the food was awesome and we read with her a chapter in Mosiah to see how she can apply it to her life. Then we met Monika. She is a catholic and she’s  progressing a lot too. She just doesn’t know if she can be baptize because her husband doesn't know that she's interested in listening to our church. But we taught her about the spirit world after this life and invited her to the church for conference. Then we saw Dianna. She is 12 years old and is super smart. And her family loves when we come and read with them. We taught them about faith and read Alma 32 with them and invited them to conference as well.
Jueves: Today I think I showed off my Penelope side because I was sweating like a pig. It's so humid here!!!! First today we saw Adrianna, a less active. She wants to come back to church, but she doesn't want to come alone without her family. But we talked to her about the importance of the sacrament and she really enjoyed the fact that we can have that mini baptism every Sunday. Then we went over to have the comida, but the family completely forgot. They weren't even home... So we went over to the house of Hermana Fransisca and she quickly made us eggs and beans with homemade tortillas. That's what I love about this place. It's so small and tranquilo, but everyone makes tortillas por mano:) Then we saw Hermana Dulce, a less active as well. And we met her sister in law and taught them all about our Heavenly Father and why he loves us. I think they liked it, especially her kids. Then we passed by the house of one of our contacts... I can't remember how to spell his name so I'll call him Tamale Man because he makes tamales. But we went and taught him about our Heavenly Father as well and told him that we will help him stop drinking because he has that addiction. Then we saw Soledad again and talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon. She told us she's going to start reading every day:)
Viernes: Today... It was hot again...:P..... But we went and saw Mary again. We talked to her about prayer and how she can receive answers from the spirit. She's really progressing. Then we went to the comida with a recent convert named Mary with the cutest little boy in the world:) We weren't able to share anything with her though because she was going to get her other son from school. So we went over to another less active named Jose Luis. We're trying to help him get over drinking too. We also saw a couple of other recent converts named Luz and Dalia and helped them understand the importance of Personal Progress because they are trying to do a few experiences. And they're going to teach me how to make piñatas:) We also saw Silvia again with Hermana Fransisca and read a chapter in Mosiah again. After that we had to go home because I wasn't feeling too good. And the heat made it worse :P
Sabado: Conferencia!!! And mi cumpleaños:) Today was so awesome because we got to hear our prophet and other leaders... In English:) And I found out that Hermanas Palominos and Sullivan are in my zone... They're from my generation of missionaries. But I was able to get so many things from the conference that I'm going to apply with our investigators. And I almost killed Palominos... She went to go buy ice cream for me in Sorianna for my birthday and she totally slipped on her knee and couldn't walk. And it was the funniest thing to see her and three other Hermanas trying to carry her across the street back to the church. But it was super sweet because the zone planned a surprise cake after the second session.... And I took the challenge to bite it... I got a lot of frosting on my face:)
Domingo: Today was really great too. Conference was awesome and I was able to receive a new bag that I have desperately needed for a really long time. Thanks family and all who put stuff in it:) Oh ya! And Mary came with us to conference. She was really excited to go. And we were able to see her and her family that night too:) We read from Enos about prayer and tried answering questions from her sister and dad... They have some really wild stories about the gospel and we still don't know where they are getting them... But we will work with them:)
Well that is my first week in Santa Maria. I hope you enjoyed:) Thanks again for the birthday wishes. And don't forget to read this week! This time we will read the first 10 chapters of Alma in a week.

Love y'all! Hermana Walker

Week 30

Alright... I wasn't able to write things out for what happened this week. So I promise I will try to remember most of what happened....
Lunes: We had THE BEST activity ever! We got to have my first zone activity and it the most fun thing ever. We played volleyball, soccer (Which I still am not good at), and basket. But me and Elder Winland killed it in volleyball. We have to do it again. In the coast:) And we also ate hotdogs, chips, cake, and I had my Boing... If you don't know what that is, that's a shame... But if not, it's like the best fruit juice ever. All Nat-ur-al. No added sugar:) By the end of the day we didn't have time to go out to Loma Linda like we planned, so we went and saw Hermano Hugo to see what his doubts were today....
Martes: District meeting!! We learned an awesome model on how to fix our teaching and then we practiced a bit. Then we ate cake!! Hermana Molina and I went and bought a cake for Hermana Martinez, because it's her last week of the mish, and we hid it in the church oven. Then other Hermanas brought cake too, so we had double cake. And we wrote in each other's journals... It felt like yearbook day:) Then we went to Sorianna to buy a new electric stove because ours broke (we've been showering with cold water for two weeks)... Comida was with the familia Corso, and it was good as always:) And we taught them about their testimonies and challenged them to share their testimonies with someone before conference. We were able to go see Velia today and we talked about Joseph Smith and we challenged her to pray just like him. She's really getting interested in the church. Then we went to our meeting with Hermano Pino.... Oh Hermano Pino.... This sounds so sad, but I hope I go to another area this next transfer. In this meeting and the next we talked about the area plan for Mexico about how missionaries have to be in ward council meetings and the things that aren't being completed by the members and it was like they didn't care. And we have the salvation of souls on the line. So that night, after a good cry, I called the bishop and asked if I could give a talk on Sunday and speak about this.
Miercoles: Today we started out with a good session... I found some good music to listen to:)... Then we went and found Hermano Hugo with Hermano Pavey because he's worried about him. And when we got there we found books from other religions on the table... He's been comparing these with the scriptures. No wonder he has so many doubts! So we talked about how we shouldn't be reading these books and that we should find books written by the church. He took it well. Then we had comida with Hermana Martinez and I tried my fourth kind of mole...I think it's called estofado. There's 7 different types of mole in Oaxaca:) Then we went to Loma Linda and found Marcos and we taught him about our life on earth and that our agency has a big significance in what is going to happen after this life. Afterwards we went and found Hermana Eveline and we talked about our loving Heavenly Father. I swear she is so ready! She says she's not going to change her religion, but she is so ready. Full of questions and insights. Like we don't have to ask her questions because she participates on her own:)
Jueves: Today was pretty good. We had our weekly planning and then we visited Hermano Hugo and asked him what he did with his books... Still hasn't gotten rid of them, but he's not reading them. We also had comida with the familia Cruz. We couldn't share anything with them though because the ward was going to the temple. In fact that happened all day. None of the members were home or couldn't come with us. We did find Hermana Margarita in her house and we were able to talk with her for a while. And we tried going to visit Julia with her, but she couldn't. So we went to Julia by ourselves and we tried talking to her about baptism to get a date, but she went off on the most random subjects and we ended up having to go home without that lesson.... So frustrating...
Viernes: Today was a bit hard.... We literally walked everywhere and didn't find anyone... So we ended up leaving notes for the women's conference on Saturday. We got to eat with Hermana Sollo and it was the best!! Then we went and walked around Reforma trying to find people, but we couldn't. And I started to get sick, so we went to the house to see what I needed. I've been having some weird stomach issues lately... Then we went to the church so I could get my journal back from other Hermanas, but also so that Hermana Molina could get a blessing. And I ended up getting one too:)
Sabado: Today we went to see Hugo with Hermano Pavey. He ended up teaching him about the atonement and it was so good! And Hermano Hugo was in love with the way he taught. Then we went to the familia Ferra for the comida and it was awesome!! But I started getting sick again and Hermana Molina's back hurt too. So we went to the house and called Our sister training leaders to see what we need to do. We called the doctor for me and I had to buy some medicine and drink tea de laurel. And we were sad because we couldn't go to the conference:(
Domingo: Today, my talk. It went really well. It was firm, but it didn't planch anyone. And everyone listened and told me that they were going to change the way they were working. I was so happy!! And Hermana Molina spoke too about the same thing. We ate with the familia Ramierez, but then we went home so I could drink more tea. I have no idea what is going on with my stomach.... And I don't trust doctors.... But we were able to see Hermana Margarita for a while:) And when I got home I crashed.... But our phone call woke me up ¡Cambios!
Alright y'all! This was my last week in Reforma and I hope you enjoyed it:) And remember your reading for this week. We will be finishing Mosiah:) Enjoy! Love y'all!

Hermana Walker

Week 29

Okay. This week was mas o menos.... But we still had fun:)
Lunes: Today was pretty great. We were going to have an activity as a zone, but decided not to because we had a short p-day. It's Independence Day here, so to be safe we had to start teaching at 4 and be at home by 7. But within that time we were able to go shopping, clean the house, email, sit down for a second, and eat really good tacos. We only visited Hugo today and we talked about the Word of Wisdom... Or tried to... It kind of ended up as Hermana Molina vs. Hermano Hugo. He just has so many doubts and doesn't understand us some of the time. But we came home and I did my 50 bucket loads of laundry while Hermana Molina cleaned the walls in the bathroom because there's this gross salt stuff on them from our water. But she came to me and told me that she keeps feeling something behind her like it's following her and there is a weight in our bedroom and she doesn't like it. And I remembered feeling that in the owner's house too. Luckily our zone leaders called to talk to us and we asked if we could have a priesthood holder come and bless our house and they told us we could do it...Wha?... So when we prayed that night my comp had me say a prayer for the house... It was a little strange because I've never done that and didn't think I could do that... Still don't know... If something happens we’re going to have someone come and do it...
Martes: Today we didn't have district meeting, so we stayed at home and studied. When we went out we were able to find Hugo in his house and we taught him about the law of tithing. But oh my goodness! He has so many doubts! He's worried his material things and if the prophet and apostles can be trusted with our money... He just needs to have faith, like we keep telling him... We were supposed to have comida with the familia Corso, but they forgot... It's so frustrating when that happens... So we went home and ate sandwiches. Then we went and saw Velia and had an awesome lesson with her. We wanted to know her expectations of our visits because she's been visited by the missionaries for years and she still has her confusion. She told us that she wants us to go slow so that she can learn and feel the difference of our church and others because she's studying with other churches too. So we told her we want to answer all of her questions and we answered one that she had about why we have our day of rest on Sunday instead of Saturday, using scriptures from the Bible. We didn't have our meeting with Hermano Pino, so we went to the church to practice piano until ward correlation... I'm teaching my comp:) But no one showed up! Gah! It's so frustrating when no one comes! So we went to see Julia and her daughter and we talked more about the family and why we need to be united as families, especially in times like this. Then she went on talking about how we're close to World War 3 and all the stuff that's on the new and I decided... I'm glad on a mission right now....
Miercoles: Today was a pretty fun day. We started out with a multi-zone conference and I learned so much:) I love the conferences that our new president does because they aren't just what do we need to do to make our lessons better and practice for hours. They're about how to make better missionaries. We learned that we are all good missionaries, no matter what our title is and that we need to be here for the glory of God, not the glory of us. And we learned a 6 minute exercise called Chicken Fat:) We had the comida with Hermano Pavey and his wife who isn't a member. She's from Switzerland so she has an awesome accent! But it was kind of a different comida...We had salad with a vinaigrette and spaghetti with real tomato meat sauce! And it was the first time I've sat down with someone drinking wine... I felt like I was in Europe... After the comida we walked forever trying to find people, but no one was home. We did run into Marcos and his friend Alejandro who was so tall! Like two of me... But we went over to the Ferra's house and had a lesson con miembro. We felt that we needed to teach about Joseph Smith with them. So we shared that with them, and Alejandro was a little weirded out by it. But we each bore our testimonies and gave him a Book of Mormon. And he told us that he would ask for permission from his parents to hear more because they're very Catholic. After this lesson we walked everywhere in Reforma, but no one was home.
Jueves: Today was pretty good. We started out with our weekly planning which went well. We kind of had an argument, but we're good now:) We started teaching in Loma Linda because we had a cita fija with a new investigator... But she wasn't there... Gah! Frustrating... So we moved back towards Reforma and found Guadelupe, a contact from last transfer. But she let us in and told us she's half way done with the Book of Mormon, so we talked about that to clear her doubts. We had comida with familia Pino and it was super good. Tostadas:) Then we went back to Reforma and met with Hermana Margarita to see Velia. We decided to talk about temples and baptisms for the dead because she had questions about that too. So we explained what it is, showed her pictures from the temple preparation booklet, and gave her a My Family pamphlet so she can do her family history and we can start her work. We tried visiting Julia, but she wasn't home, so we went and saw Hugo... Oh Hugo... We decided to ask if he was happy in the church and what we need to do to relieve him of his doubts. He's happy because it's given him something good in his life. And we kept talking and figured out he doesn't want to share his testimony with his family because he's scared of what they will say. We spent a half an hour explaining that if he will just open his mouth he will see miracles. He's just scared, but we're going to work on that:)
Viernes: Today was a bit rough... We decided to go out to Elegido Guadalupe to see if Mimfa was home, a contact from the last transfer. So we climbed up those hill, in the blazing sun... It was so hot today!...And she wasn't home :P And we kept walking for about 3 hours, knocking, talking, everything... No one was home or wanted to listen... And my face is sunburned :P So we went looking for the house that we're going to eat at. It's someone we've never met before. And when we got there it was a house full of college students. The girls that we ate with are two sister converts who moved here a couple of weeks ago from the Istmo to study. Their names are Sharon and Hema. And I tried Mole Rojo for the first time. So good! Then we talked to them about testimonies and gave them the challenge to write their testimony, pray to know who to give it to, and give it to them before conference. They're fun girls:) Then we went out to Reforma and the same thing happened... No one was home... So we went to see Hugo and if he was okay from what happened yesterday. He was good and we talked a little about testimonies and we gave him that same challenge so he can see that he has a testimony. We would have tried seeing other people, but something happened. As we were walking around, lightning started flashing everywhere, but there was no rain... Then black and green clouds came and the wind picked up. Freaking electrical storm! We hurried home because it was right above Reforma and we stayed there without anything plugged in or turned on... Like we needed it. The lightning was everywhere at every second, and our walks are windows. It was crazy fun, but scary.
Sabado: Today was okay... Better than yesterday. I felt pretty sick in the morning... I think it's because I took my horse pill of a vitamin... So we took it easy in the house for most of the morning and then went to see Hugo when I felt a little bit better. Today we talked about the Spirit and how we feel it. Then we challenged him to pray every day to have the spirit. Then we went to the Ferra's for the comida. We had fish! Yes:) And I helped Mayeli with her English homework. But they had to leave so we couldn't share something. So we went out to elegido Guadalupe so we could so we could go see the familia Martel. And while we were there we decided to go find a contact that lives there named Hna Tere... We looked forever!... And when we finally found her street we couldn't find her number...Oh Oaxaca... The house numbers don't go in order... So her number is 22... The street starts with 103... So we climbed and climbed... And found her house at the top of the mountain, and her dog almost ate us, but now she likes us:) But we just got to know her family and talked about our purpose as missionaries. She said that they're Catholic and won't change, but she loves when we visit. And her daughter-in-law was very interested in the Book of Mormon, so we're going to keep working with them. After this we went back home because we were getting lightning again.
Domingo: Today was good. We had lots of talks in Sacrament about the mission work and we hope that the members were listening. And we finally have a teacher in gospel principles and it was a good class on Eternal marriage. And i had the opportunity to sing in Sunday school. That was cool:) And in Relief Society we learned that we always need to follow the law of God. Today we ate in a restaurant. Because no one could take us in for the comida. And it was the most awkward thing ever... everyone was drinking their beer and looking at us weirdly... We went and saw Hugo and asked him if he had any doubts about what we learned in church and helped him understand that Jehovah is Jesus. And the rain poured! So hard! After this we probably went to every house that we could... And no one was home...:P... So we spent our day singing hymns in the rain. We did contact a guy who stayed in Utah for about 14 years, has gone to our church before, and has a part of his heart for our church because we helped him when he first went to Utah. He's so ready! We're going to visit him:)
Well that was my week. I home ya'll had a good one and you're always smiling:) Then next part of the Book of Mormon Challenge is chapters 11-20 of Mosiah. Enjoy!:)
Love Always

Hermana Walker