Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 29

Okay. This week was mas o menos.... But we still had fun:)
Lunes: Today was pretty great. We were going to have an activity as a zone, but decided not to because we had a short p-day. It's Independence Day here, so to be safe we had to start teaching at 4 and be at home by 7. But within that time we were able to go shopping, clean the house, email, sit down for a second, and eat really good tacos. We only visited Hugo today and we talked about the Word of Wisdom... Or tried to... It kind of ended up as Hermana Molina vs. Hermano Hugo. He just has so many doubts and doesn't understand us some of the time. But we came home and I did my 50 bucket loads of laundry while Hermana Molina cleaned the walls in the bathroom because there's this gross salt stuff on them from our water. But she came to me and told me that she keeps feeling something behind her like it's following her and there is a weight in our bedroom and she doesn't like it. And I remembered feeling that in the owner's house too. Luckily our zone leaders called to talk to us and we asked if we could have a priesthood holder come and bless our house and they told us we could do it...Wha?... So when we prayed that night my comp had me say a prayer for the house... It was a little strange because I've never done that and didn't think I could do that... Still don't know... If something happens we’re going to have someone come and do it...
Martes: Today we didn't have district meeting, so we stayed at home and studied. When we went out we were able to find Hugo in his house and we taught him about the law of tithing. But oh my goodness! He has so many doubts! He's worried his material things and if the prophet and apostles can be trusted with our money... He just needs to have faith, like we keep telling him... We were supposed to have comida with the familia Corso, but they forgot... It's so frustrating when that happens... So we went home and ate sandwiches. Then we went and saw Velia and had an awesome lesson with her. We wanted to know her expectations of our visits because she's been visited by the missionaries for years and she still has her confusion. She told us that she wants us to go slow so that she can learn and feel the difference of our church and others because she's studying with other churches too. So we told her we want to answer all of her questions and we answered one that she had about why we have our day of rest on Sunday instead of Saturday, using scriptures from the Bible. We didn't have our meeting with Hermano Pino, so we went to the church to practice piano until ward correlation... I'm teaching my comp:) But no one showed up! Gah! It's so frustrating when no one comes! So we went to see Julia and her daughter and we talked more about the family and why we need to be united as families, especially in times like this. Then she went on talking about how we're close to World War 3 and all the stuff that's on the new and I decided... I'm glad on a mission right now....
Miercoles: Today was a pretty fun day. We started out with a multi-zone conference and I learned so much:) I love the conferences that our new president does because they aren't just what do we need to do to make our lessons better and practice for hours. They're about how to make better missionaries. We learned that we are all good missionaries, no matter what our title is and that we need to be here for the glory of God, not the glory of us. And we learned a 6 minute exercise called Chicken Fat:) We had the comida with Hermano Pavey and his wife who isn't a member. She's from Switzerland so she has an awesome accent! But it was kind of a different comida...We had salad with a vinaigrette and spaghetti with real tomato meat sauce! And it was the first time I've sat down with someone drinking wine... I felt like I was in Europe... After the comida we walked forever trying to find people, but no one was home. We did run into Marcos and his friend Alejandro who was so tall! Like two of me... But we went over to the Ferra's house and had a lesson con miembro. We felt that we needed to teach about Joseph Smith with them. So we shared that with them, and Alejandro was a little weirded out by it. But we each bore our testimonies and gave him a Book of Mormon. And he told us that he would ask for permission from his parents to hear more because they're very Catholic. After this lesson we walked everywhere in Reforma, but no one was home.
Jueves: Today was pretty good. We started out with our weekly planning which went well. We kind of had an argument, but we're good now:) We started teaching in Loma Linda because we had a cita fija with a new investigator... But she wasn't there... Gah! Frustrating... So we moved back towards Reforma and found Guadelupe, a contact from last transfer. But she let us in and told us she's half way done with the Book of Mormon, so we talked about that to clear her doubts. We had comida with familia Pino and it was super good. Tostadas:) Then we went back to Reforma and met with Hermana Margarita to see Velia. We decided to talk about temples and baptisms for the dead because she had questions about that too. So we explained what it is, showed her pictures from the temple preparation booklet, and gave her a My Family pamphlet so she can do her family history and we can start her work. We tried visiting Julia, but she wasn't home, so we went and saw Hugo... Oh Hugo... We decided to ask if he was happy in the church and what we need to do to relieve him of his doubts. He's happy because it's given him something good in his life. And we kept talking and figured out he doesn't want to share his testimony with his family because he's scared of what they will say. We spent a half an hour explaining that if he will just open his mouth he will see miracles. He's just scared, but we're going to work on that:)
Viernes: Today was a bit rough... We decided to go out to Elegido Guadalupe to see if Mimfa was home, a contact from the last transfer. So we climbed up those hill, in the blazing sun... It was so hot today!...And she wasn't home :P And we kept walking for about 3 hours, knocking, talking, everything... No one was home or wanted to listen... And my face is sunburned :P So we went looking for the house that we're going to eat at. It's someone we've never met before. And when we got there it was a house full of college students. The girls that we ate with are two sister converts who moved here a couple of weeks ago from the Istmo to study. Their names are Sharon and Hema. And I tried Mole Rojo for the first time. So good! Then we talked to them about testimonies and gave them the challenge to write their testimony, pray to know who to give it to, and give it to them before conference. They're fun girls:) Then we went out to Reforma and the same thing happened... No one was home... So we went to see Hugo and if he was okay from what happened yesterday. He was good and we talked a little about testimonies and we gave him that same challenge so he can see that he has a testimony. We would have tried seeing other people, but something happened. As we were walking around, lightning started flashing everywhere, but there was no rain... Then black and green clouds came and the wind picked up. Freaking electrical storm! We hurried home because it was right above Reforma and we stayed there without anything plugged in or turned on... Like we needed it. The lightning was everywhere at every second, and our walks are windows. It was crazy fun, but scary.
Sabado: Today was okay... Better than yesterday. I felt pretty sick in the morning... I think it's because I took my horse pill of a vitamin... So we took it easy in the house for most of the morning and then went to see Hugo when I felt a little bit better. Today we talked about the Spirit and how we feel it. Then we challenged him to pray every day to have the spirit. Then we went to the Ferra's for the comida. We had fish! Yes:) And I helped Mayeli with her English homework. But they had to leave so we couldn't share something. So we went out to elegido Guadalupe so we could so we could go see the familia Martel. And while we were there we decided to go find a contact that lives there named Hna Tere... We looked forever!... And when we finally found her street we couldn't find her number...Oh Oaxaca... The house numbers don't go in order... So her number is 22... The street starts with 103... So we climbed and climbed... And found her house at the top of the mountain, and her dog almost ate us, but now she likes us:) But we just got to know her family and talked about our purpose as missionaries. She said that they're Catholic and won't change, but she loves when we visit. And her daughter-in-law was very interested in the Book of Mormon, so we're going to keep working with them. After this we went back home because we were getting lightning again.
Domingo: Today was good. We had lots of talks in Sacrament about the mission work and we hope that the members were listening. And we finally have a teacher in gospel principles and it was a good class on Eternal marriage. And i had the opportunity to sing in Sunday school. That was cool:) And in Relief Society we learned that we always need to follow the law of God. Today we ate in a restaurant. Because no one could take us in for the comida. And it was the most awkward thing ever... everyone was drinking their beer and looking at us weirdly... We went and saw Hugo and asked him if he had any doubts about what we learned in church and helped him understand that Jehovah is Jesus. And the rain poured! So hard! After this we probably went to every house that we could... And no one was home...:P... So we spent our day singing hymns in the rain. We did contact a guy who stayed in Utah for about 14 years, has gone to our church before, and has a part of his heart for our church because we helped him when he first went to Utah. He's so ready! We're going to visit him:)
Well that was my week. I home ya'll had a good one and you're always smiling:) Then next part of the Book of Mormon Challenge is chapters 11-20 of Mosiah. Enjoy!:)
Love Always

Hermana Walker

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