Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 21

¡Hola ya'll! How has everyone been doing? And how is your Book of Mormon challenge going? I hope ya'll are loving it and learning  a lot about yourselves and the Gospel:)
This week... was a little weird in certain ways, but also good. Here's what happened:
Lunes: Today we woke up and cleaned the house, did some studying, and took our clothes to the lavanderia. Then we spent the day in Centro again! there were some really cool things there this time, but it was super expensive, so I didn't get anything. But I did see Hermana Adelman barter her heart out. She's so good at it! I need to learn:) And we were able to contact our taxi driver on the way home and he seemed pretty interested. The only thing is that he works constantly and we don't know when we can teach him. We also got to teach Hermano Hugo a little more about family history. And then we contacted one of the old investigators that is in our area and her mom. They are still reading the Book of Mormon and everything. We taught them about faith and how Heavenly Father helps us in our trials.
Martes: Instead of having a district meeting today, we had a surprise zone conference and it went so well. And with our new president, so many rules have been changed! I'm glad though because it will give us more responsibility as missionaries:) And we also got some tips on how to better contact, receive references, and making sure that your investigators really do understand the principle being taught. Then we went over to Hermana Rita's for comida. But before we had a lesson with her neighbor Sandra and taught her about Heavenly Father. It was a little difficult because we don't know if she really understood because she wouldn't talk or answer her questions. Comida was good as always and we taught Rita about the parable of the 99 sheep and asked if she can help find the 1 by visiting a menos activo family. Then we had our meeting with Hermano Pino, but we didn't have ward correlation because no one showed up... Again.... That's like 3 weeks of that.... But we ended up our night with Belia and taught her more about the Spirit and what she's going to feel when she prays about the church.
Miercoles: Today we went and picked up our laundry and started divisions. I went with Hermana Martinez in the area of Reforma 1 and that was seriously fun:) We first went to visit a couple of her investigators who are kids. But they were locked in the house so we taught them through their gate about the story of Nephi and the boat. They love the scripture stories and hymns:) Then we went to comida and I saw something I haven't seen yet in my mission. The mom of this family works morning into the night and her 11 year old daughter made us lunch. And it was good! I hope my kids learn how to cook like that when they're young:) Then we visited the daughter-in-law of this same family, and did service for about an hour and then taught her about prophets. Then we went to another member's house and taught a lesson about the Tree of Life. And this same member accompanied us to another lesson with an investigator named Pepe. He's an alcoholic who’s trying to stop and he's the dad of the kids we taught. But we found him sitting outside the gate reading with his kids. So we spent an hour reading Alma 32 with him and his kids and he was so into it! It was great! Then we bought pan dulce:)
Jueves: Today we finished divisions and went back to our areas to do weekly planning. Then we went out to comida with Hermana Margarita and she made us Tlayudas:) I was so full afterward. We taught her a little bit about prayer and the Spirit. Then we went out to Loma Linda to teach Ufemia, but instead we taught her daughter Delphina! She's been trying to ignore us for weeks! But she listened and accepted a fecha de bautismal! So great:) And she invited to us to a little gathering for her daughter's birthday en Sabado. Then we went to the Ferra's house to ask if they could accompany us to a visit with Bruno. They couldn't so we just sang a hymn with them. Then we went to visit Bruno and we also had Roberto and their friend Miguel with them. But this lesson was really hard because we were on the street, they were distracted, and we just couldn't feel the Spirit... Then we went to the bishop's house. We were going to go to a part of our area en Viernes tha we've never been before and wanted references.... Good thing we asked. We found out that this part isn't even in our area. It's part of the area of our district leader...
Viernes: Today we went and visited another old investigator named Marta. That lesson was so hard!! We spent an hour trying to explain the Atonement and she just didn't get it. Maybe we just need to keep teaching her to figure out how she learns. Then we went and taught Hugo the beginning of lesson 1. We feel he needs to learn from the beginning because he's still confused about a lot of the basics. Then we found Belia again and challenged her and her grand-daughter to read a chapter of the Book of Mormon every day. We had comida with the bishop today and it was SO good! Then we checked up on how they were doing with their Book of Mormon challenge and read a little and had a good discussion about it. Then we went out to Loma Linda, but couldn't find anyone! But we did find Edgar! And he's doing good. He's clean, living at home with his family, and has gone 10 days without drinking. We started from the beginning of lesson one and explained a bit about the Book of Mormon because he had questions. But I have to say that that was one of the most spiritually filled lessons I've had with him. It was great!
Sabado: Today... Was just strange.... We went out to go teach a bunch of people and no one could listen. We did go and visit the mom of our old investigator form Lunes. Her name is Julia and she had a ton of questions about the Book of Mormon. We tried answering them for her, but she just did not understand after 5 times of explaining. And it didn’t help that her grandkids were screaming like crazy and they weren't satisfied when she tried helping. Hopefully next time we can answer her questions with the Spirit present. Then we went out to Loma Linda to try to teach people before comida, but everyone, very bluntly, said that they had other things to do. So we went to comida with the Ferra's and it was really good. Tasajo and veggies with a salad:) Then we went down to the party for Delphina's daughter... We ended up leaving right when we got there. All of the borracho friends were there and it just was not a good feeling whatsoever. So we gave her our present, they gave us homemade pesoli, and we left. We felt bad about it, but you either go with the Spirit or you don't. Then we went out to Isste and things didn't go as planned either. We had Annelise, a member, come with us and this is what happened: No one was home, doors slammed in our faces, and we got bible bashed! So great! But Annelise was really good with it. But through it all We were able to contact someone who is so ready! Just keep going on the bad days. It's worth it:)
Domingo: Today was okay too. We went to pass for Ufemia and her grandkids for church and we got to have the experience of teaching Gospel Principles because none of the teachers showed up. And they had an awesome lesson in Relief Society about accompanying us. We've had a problem with that. Then we went to Familia Ramierez's house for comida. But we had mole and that was NOT good for the stomach of Hermana Adelman. We ended up having to go home for the rest of the day for her to rest...

Don’t forget to finish 1 Nephi before next Monday! Love ya'll!

Hermana Walker

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