Sunday, March 16, 2014

I'm Alive!!

Hey guys! I survived my first day. My companion is Hermana Young. She's 21 and from Gilbert, Arizona. I'm in a district of 6 girls, no elders, which is really rare. My first day was so crazy, I still don't think I've processed it all. But I had fun. There was a lot of walking back and forth from our residential area to our classrooms. I guess there are so many Spanish speaking missionaries that they had to convert part of BYU housing into a Spanish speaking campus. I went straight to Spanish after receiving my books and dropping off my stuff and of course I was overwhelmed. But thankfully our maestro is very animated when he speaks. And the food is delish. I thought it was going to be buffet style like everyone was saying, but they've got specific entrees for each meal and little things around the sides. I've also noticed that it is more lenient over on this campus than on the main campus and that's what a lot of other people have said, which I'm grateful for. I think the sleeping schedule is going to be really good for me. I had gym time and played four square for 40 minutes. Hermana Young and I wanted to use the machines, but they were all full. I had a lot of class time and hopefully my study will improve.... I'm teaching an investigator tomorrow, so pray for me.... Well, te amo! I miss you and be happy... I hope my room isn't a morgue...
Love Always, Hermana Walker

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