Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 30

Alright... I wasn't able to write things out for what happened this week. So I promise I will try to remember most of what happened....
Lunes: We had THE BEST activity ever! We got to have my first zone activity and it the most fun thing ever. We played volleyball, soccer (Which I still am not good at), and basket. But me and Elder Winland killed it in volleyball. We have to do it again. In the coast:) And we also ate hotdogs, chips, cake, and I had my Boing... If you don't know what that is, that's a shame... But if not, it's like the best fruit juice ever. All Nat-ur-al. No added sugar:) By the end of the day we didn't have time to go out to Loma Linda like we planned, so we went and saw Hermano Hugo to see what his doubts were today....
Martes: District meeting!! We learned an awesome model on how to fix our teaching and then we practiced a bit. Then we ate cake!! Hermana Molina and I went and bought a cake for Hermana Martinez, because it's her last week of the mish, and we hid it in the church oven. Then other Hermanas brought cake too, so we had double cake. And we wrote in each other's journals... It felt like yearbook day:) Then we went to Sorianna to buy a new electric stove because ours broke (we've been showering with cold water for two weeks)... Comida was with the familia Corso, and it was good as always:) And we taught them about their testimonies and challenged them to share their testimonies with someone before conference. We were able to go see Velia today and we talked about Joseph Smith and we challenged her to pray just like him. She's really getting interested in the church. Then we went to our meeting with Hermano Pino.... Oh Hermano Pino.... This sounds so sad, but I hope I go to another area this next transfer. In this meeting and the next we talked about the area plan for Mexico about how missionaries have to be in ward council meetings and the things that aren't being completed by the members and it was like they didn't care. And we have the salvation of souls on the line. So that night, after a good cry, I called the bishop and asked if I could give a talk on Sunday and speak about this.
Miercoles: Today we started out with a good session... I found some good music to listen to:)... Then we went and found Hermano Hugo with Hermano Pavey because he's worried about him. And when we got there we found books from other religions on the table... He's been comparing these with the scriptures. No wonder he has so many doubts! So we talked about how we shouldn't be reading these books and that we should find books written by the church. He took it well. Then we had comida with Hermana Martinez and I tried my fourth kind of mole...I think it's called estofado. There's 7 different types of mole in Oaxaca:) Then we went to Loma Linda and found Marcos and we taught him about our life on earth and that our agency has a big significance in what is going to happen after this life. Afterwards we went and found Hermana Eveline and we talked about our loving Heavenly Father. I swear she is so ready! She says she's not going to change her religion, but she is so ready. Full of questions and insights. Like we don't have to ask her questions because she participates on her own:)
Jueves: Today was pretty good. We had our weekly planning and then we visited Hermano Hugo and asked him what he did with his books... Still hasn't gotten rid of them, but he's not reading them. We also had comida with the familia Cruz. We couldn't share anything with them though because the ward was going to the temple. In fact that happened all day. None of the members were home or couldn't come with us. We did find Hermana Margarita in her house and we were able to talk with her for a while. And we tried going to visit Julia with her, but she couldn't. So we went to Julia by ourselves and we tried talking to her about baptism to get a date, but she went off on the most random subjects and we ended up having to go home without that lesson.... So frustrating...
Viernes: Today was a bit hard.... We literally walked everywhere and didn't find anyone... So we ended up leaving notes for the women's conference on Saturday. We got to eat with Hermana Sollo and it was the best!! Then we went and walked around Reforma trying to find people, but we couldn't. And I started to get sick, so we went to the house to see what I needed. I've been having some weird stomach issues lately... Then we went to the church so I could get my journal back from other Hermanas, but also so that Hermana Molina could get a blessing. And I ended up getting one too:)
Sabado: Today we went to see Hugo with Hermano Pavey. He ended up teaching him about the atonement and it was so good! And Hermano Hugo was in love with the way he taught. Then we went to the familia Ferra for the comida and it was awesome!! But I started getting sick again and Hermana Molina's back hurt too. So we went to the house and called Our sister training leaders to see what we need to do. We called the doctor for me and I had to buy some medicine and drink tea de laurel. And we were sad because we couldn't go to the conference:(
Domingo: Today, my talk. It went really well. It was firm, but it didn't planch anyone. And everyone listened and told me that they were going to change the way they were working. I was so happy!! And Hermana Molina spoke too about the same thing. We ate with the familia Ramierez, but then we went home so I could drink more tea. I have no idea what is going on with my stomach.... And I don't trust doctors.... But we were able to see Hermana Margarita for a while:) And when I got home I crashed.... But our phone call woke me up ¡Cambios!
Alright y'all! This was my last week in Reforma and I hope you enjoyed it:) And remember your reading for this week. We will be finishing Mosiah:) Enjoy! Love y'all!

Hermana Walker

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