
Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 32

Alright y'all. This week was AWESOME!! I'm loving this new area! It's such a humbling experience because these people really don't have anything except for each other. It's gorgeous too with all the palm trees and such. And we get the real beach sunsets:)
Lunes: Today we had a good p-day, although we were running around like crazy! We cleaned the house and then we went to Sorianna to buy. We are about an hour away from any grocery store, so that's a little different. So it took us a bit longer to do our shopping than normal. But after we went to Mary's house and helped her make tortillas. I can say that I can make a real tortilla... Mom, I will be making them when I get back on our fire pit:) Then we went and saw a member named Nicole and taught her about prayer and Soledad about the sacrament. And we had to wash our clothes in the dark because earlier we didn't have room to hang them up... It was kind of scary... And I tripped and fell and cut my foot. It hurts:P
Martes: Today we went out by sorianna to the church to have our district meeting. And it was awesome! Our leader is Elder Vance from Utah and he is really cool, and we share a ward with him and his comp. And our district has all sisters... and them. But it's cool:) We learned about the importance of teaching Family History. Then we went to the comida with the familia Nolasco. The wife is the relief society pres. With them we read a chapter in the Book of Mormon and then talked about personal revelation because each person applied the chapter differently. Then we went and saw another member named Claudia and talked about the same thing:) Then we did service with a member named Adela and her family. Then she gave us tamales and we shared a message about the Book of Mormon as well. And we went to visit a new family. We met them at the house of Hermana Adelina last week washing their dishes. But when we went it almost turned into a bible bash, with lots of doctrine being thrown out in the air. But they want us to keep coming. So we're going to have scripture study with them in the topics of the lessons. But if it gets out of hand we're going to stop.
Miercoles: Today was a good day. We went out to Mary's (the member) house again to help with tortillas and then we helped teach her how to read by using Moroni 10:5 and taught a lesson using that. We were also able to see Katy, but her husband was sleeping. He works in a hotel on the beach. We taught her about the importance of baptism. She really wants to get baptized, but she wants to with her husband. But he's stuck in the habit of drinking. It's sad...Then we went and saw Abby a member. She was working so we had to hurry and capacitate her on how to teach chastity because she's going to accompany us to teach it. Haha! Her boss came in right when we finished.... Pheh..... We ended our day going to see Lucina and her family. They're menos activos and we taught about the importance of the Book of Mormon, but we learned that she really doesn't know anything about the gospel. So we're going to start from the beginning:)
Jueves: Today was good too. We went and saw Silvia because she sent us a text a little weird and we worry for her a lot. She's doing good, just a little downhearted because her husband doesn't want us to come by. So we read from the Book of Mormon to cheer her up. Then we went to the familia de Hermana Rosario for the comida and I met the President of the branch. And with her we planned a family home evening for her family. Then we saw Higinio the husband of Mary (member) and we taught him about how he can be clean from his sins. We want him to get baptized but he's stuck under the influence of alcohol too.... That night we went to see Katy and Antonio, but he was sleeping. So we taught Katy about tithing and she's going to live it!:)
Viernes: Today was awesome! We went and saw Mary (investigator) and taught her and her mom about family history using the model that Elder Vance gave us. And we ate with Silvia today and it was awesome. Fish:) And read a bit more in the Book of Mormon with her. She really dos love it. I just hope her husband stops being stubborn and starts listening to us again... Then we went and saw Dianna and taught her about repentance. She is so smart! Answered everything:) Then we saw Hermana Perez, a menos activo and we talked about prayer. She's going to start doing family prayers and hopefully they will feel the spirit that we promised her. Then that night we went to see Hermana Adelina. She still doesn't understand the principle of the Great Apostasy, so we went and taught her about prophets. She says that she understands now:)
Sabado: Today was absolutely awesome! We first went and saw Mary (investigator) again with a joven named Julio that will be going on a mission in November. And we talked about baptism and why we are baptized. I really hope that we're helping her in this change because sometimes I worry if she's gaining a testimony. And her baptism date in in a couple of weeks. Later we decided to go and contact a reference from the elders. And we walked a lot to get to this house, but it was so worth it:) We found a family of 10 and they are all interested:) We taught them about the pre-earth life because they had questions related to the plan of salvation. The only thing is that none of them can read except for 2. So hopefully we can get some members to help us out:) Then we also went and contacted one of their relatives who lives close by. She's listened to the missionaries before and when we found her she was reading the Book of Mormon in her hammock. Awesome! And we got to talk to her about the atonement because she was feeling sorry for something that had happened previous in her life. But they are all so ready it's insane:) We were also able to visit the kids of Hermana Dulce and we read the chapter in the Book of Mormon when Nephi is building the boat:) And to finish the night we had a FHE with Hermana Rosario and we talked about the family and showed them a video of the Proclamation to the World. They really liked it and we ate tostadas:)
Domingo: Today was my first time in the church here. Since it's a branch here we don't have a building, but we rent out one. And once we get 70-80 people in the church for a few weeks we can build our own building:) It was really good and we got the chance to teach Gospel Principles, though it was hard... Two Hermanas on the spot teaching about the priesthood. But I think it went fine:) Zoyla and Soledad were there in the church this week and they really enjoyed it:) We were able to eat with the familia Cantera and it was good. Fresh tortillas, beans and eggs:)) And we talked about family history and the importance of temples. They loved it, especially with the fact that the branch is going to the temple next week. Then we saw Abby and she said she could come with us to some lessons:) We were able to see Jose Angel, an investigator who's catholic. He has a few problems with the Book of Mormon, so we are going to work with him step by step so he can understand and accept it:) Then we went and saw Zoyla and Soledad and helped them make tamales for Edwardo's birthday. They were good:) And we shared a message on the law of Chastity. It went really well and we had lots of laughs:)
Well I hope you guys had a really good week:) Love y'all! And keep reading! It's good for you:)

Hermana Walker

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